
We offer upfront and clear pricing for our Iphone repair services, backed up with a No-Fix No-Fee guarantee. We offer a free assessment and diagnosis of your Iphone prior to carrying out any work and will provide you with a no obligation price for any repair needed on your Iphone.

iPhone Repair Prices

iPhone 7

Screen replacement – £89
(Replaces the outer glass/touch panel/LCD screen)

Battery – £30

iPhone 6s

Screen replacement – £65
(Replaces the outer glass/touch panel/LCD screen)

Battery – £30

iPhone 6

Screen replacement – £59
(Replaces the outer glass/touch panel/LCD screen)

Battery – £30

iPhone 5 – iPhone 5c – iPhone 5s

Screen replacement – £50
(Replaces the outer glass/touch panel/LCD screen)

Battery – £30

Contact us now for a FREE No Obligation quote to repair your Iphone